HOW DO YOU MEASURE GREATNESS? By Ettore Berardinelli Over the many years since I’ve retired, I have been asked to come back and speak to my Fire Department’s new recruits during their initial [...]
After 40 + years of receiving the Ventura County Star I’m seriously thinking of cancelling my subscription. When I read the paper whenever possible, I expect to see two sides to every [...]
Over The Top News Media FYI, I’m a lifelong moderate democratic and have never missed voting in an election. I consider myself a color blind person and believe all people should be treated [...]
Our previous article in this series discussed everyone’s opportunity to be a teacher through setting the example and mentoring, and how one person’s example can be such an effective method of [...]
EVERYONE’S A TEACHER It’s fair to say that most of us think that the requirements to be called a teacher are a four-year college degree and a state certified teaching credential. But think about [...]
I’m Mad, at the news media. I along with most Americans, believe the death of George Floyd was a terrible tragedy. The offending police officer was fired and arrested. What he did was terrible. [...]
China produces 40% of the total world supply of active pharmaceutical ingredients, including 97 % of the U.S. market for antibiotics. China also produces 50% of the world’s surgical masks. It is [...]
As we are in the middle of the Covid-19 crisis my thoughts and probably yours revolve around family and friends. The Stay at Home requirement can become stressful. It can be a very sad [...]
As we are in the middle of the Covid-19 crisis my thoughts and probably yours revolve around family and friends. The Stay at Home requirement can become stressful. It can be a very sad time if [...]
SO YOU WANT TO GET PROMOTED • THE WRITTEN EXAMINATION PART 1 Believe it or not, taking a promotional written examination brings on a state of nervousness for most of us. We all worry about [...]