Things To Think About In 2019

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Things to think about in 2019

When thinking about 2019, two thoughts come to mind:

First where did 2018 go? The older I get the faster time flies. And the second thought was what can I do to be a better person.

We all have a personal billboard.  Most of us have messages on our own personal billboard that deal with being treated with respect and dignity.  Here are some of the messages and some of the things I will try to place on everyone’s personal billboard.

Be nice to me.  Very simply put, treat others as you would like to be treated.  Often referred to as the “Golden Rule”, it’s a simple message that says I want to be treated with respect, and in turn, I will treat you with dignity and respect.

Speak positively about me.  This also applies to your friends and fellow workers.  Since I’m half Italian I remember my Mother besides throwing shoes and chasing us with broom sticks when my brother and sister, (well not so much my sister) misbehaved, our mother  told us more than once, “If you can’t say something nice about someone, say nothing at all.”  Even though she wasn’t the originator of this saying, it was still very good advice.  I also realize this is easier said than done, and I have admiration for those individuals that live by this rule.

Keep an open mind.  Some of the people we interact with may seem to be perfectly impossible to deal with.  They may appear to be petty, small minded, and manipulating.  This is especially true with the sad state of today’s politics. It often helps to try and find some redeeming quality that you can focus on, or better yet, try to determine if it’s some bias that you have that’s making you feel this way toward them.  In the end, your quality of life will depend on your attitude.  Someone once told me that only you can make yourself miserable!  And remember, if your words will brighten someone’s day, speak them, if those words will tarnish someone’s reputation, keep them to yourself.

If you are going to fight, use pillows.  Sometimes our emotion overtakes good judgment.  I know this also because of my Italian heritage!  Under the strain of emotion and/or stress, we often can say things we later regret.  The words no sooner leave our lips and we know we have made a mistake.  The message here is to get our mind in gear before our mouth gets going.  Often, a simple slip of the tongue can have a negative impact on both a personal and a professional relationship.  In any discussion, we should try to get all our points across without creating harm or being vindictive.  Remember, it’s okay to disagree, but not to be disagreeable.

Build bridges, don’t burn them.  When we realize that we have overstepped or overreacted, we must seek to repair the damage we’ve done. In many cases, this involves letting go of grudges and preconceived notions, and making an authentic effort to rebuild damaged relationships.  It also involves making a serious commitment to learn from this error and avoid repeating it.
Don’t argue about bedtime if your pajamas have feet in them.  This is a message that I would share with young firefighters but it applies to all of us.  Sometimes, when we are new to an organization or meet people especially if they have different values, and opinions than you, it’s better to observe and evaluate than to criticize.  Sometimes we are too quick to make decisions or disparage people, organizational procedures or changes.  It is always best to get all the facts and find out what the rationale for the actions of others before, you openly criticize.